legacy integration strategist, ayesha jordan, operates on BPMs like no mother. on a molecular level she's faster than the eye can spy, which comes in handy during her woodworking enterprises. multi-discliplinary multi-tasking is her strong suit. body whipper shaping, rifle twirling, and making tiny humans smile are her side habits. an east coast valley girl with apples in her blood, her main goal in life is to deliver guffaws and happiness like a satiated hyena.
ayesha jordan
legacy integration strategist, ayesha jordan, operates on BPMs like no mother. on a molecular level she's faster than the eye can spy, which comes in handy during her woodworking enterprises. multi-discliplinary multi-tasking is her strong suit. body whipper shaping, rifle twirling, and making tiny humans smile are her side habits. an east coast valley girl with apples in her blood, her main goal in life is to deliver guffaws and happiness like a satiated hyena.